… fulfilling a few requests, joy angels
September 07, 2014

Old Family Photo: Monty, Fred, Marshal Dillon Dingle, Blaze
Monty, our grand old Bernese Mountain Dog (and a widely acknowledged good boy), died six months ago. And, in the early morning hours of the day we brought him into his wonderful and much beloved (by Monty and us) vet to say goodbye, I woke up with a driving need to write a poem.
As a non-poet, this was beyond unusual – the poem part and the compulsion to get out of a warm bed, on a cold night, and get my arse in a chair and write.
It was probably done in a matter of ten minutes – typed, proofread, a photo chosen, and the draft complete. It was one of the strangest and coolest writing experiences I’ve ever had. In a way, I felt like it was meant for many of you out there and not just for me (or, strangely, even just from me).
Nothing like this had ever happened before.
It has not happened since.
The poem flowed from a conversation that a new friend, Kate, and I had earlier that day. She had reached out to me, and eventually shared the concept of Joy Angels, when she’d read that Monty was very ill. And I will be forever grateful that she did.
The poem has been shared and pinned and copied, artists have sent me their beautiful renditions of the poem, using Monty’s photo as well as photos and drawings of other dogs who have passed on. They are all beautiful. And I am touched by every single one of the stories sent and creativity inspired.
In the past few weeks, I have had an unusual number of requests for the poem – people remembering it, and wanting to share it with friends who were mourning the recent loss of a pet. I’ve sent copies individually to folks, but feel that I should publish it here again.
I’m just going with that feeling.
So I’m reposting it below, with the explicit permission to share it with anyone you think might need it, or want to see it. It is a beautiful idea. It is not my idea, or (and Kate would tell you this) not even her idea. She would tell you that it just is.
Which is a pretty dang cool thought for us all.

Thanks for readin’.
Kate’s blog, is where she decided to share her story of Joy Angels (finally :)) and also many other very cool things that are Kate.
As always, you can come on over to Just Ponderin’s Facebook page to comment or just hang out.