… on an early chilly fall morning
September 24, 2014
Early chilly morning fall
With just a speck of red
Thoughts of comfy socks and fires
Are dancing in my head
Colors coming quickly now
Geese flying, will have fled
Leaves become blazing glories
And soon they’ll all be dead
Those who know me very well
Oft’ wonder, and have said
You’re too joyful to love fall
This season full of dread
Everything just up and croaks
The world gets put to bed
And you go on just smilin’
Sick sick sick in the head
Beyond all the death and stuff
I focus on instead
The gateway that fall opens
The path that lies ahead
Folks gathering together
In warm homes, breaking bread
Sweaters, then coats and mittens
Soon snow, snowmen, and sleds
Leaves must turn (then die and fall)
Make way for what’s ahead
Goblins, Turkeys, Santa Claus
Laughs, joy, magic…widespread.
Thanks for readin’.
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