… on being legit. like, in maine.

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The Regist-ah

My local paper in Maine is the Boothbay Register.

But if you are in any sto-ah, anywhere in the region, on a Thursday morning, you will hear people asking for, or picking up, their Regist-ah.

And they will read it, too.

Cov-ah to cov-ah.

It is a very cool newspaper and – along with national news and thoughts on how it impacts the region, The Regist-ah runs great locally-focused editorials and articles, as well as sometimes-extremely-entertaining letters to the editor and also? Each area of the region has its own weekly column and I cannot say enough about those (but I will, in a sec).

In last week’s Regist-ah, I learned what hours a local Senator would be holding when he came… to a local library, then a bookshop, and then a cafe and cheese and I-don’t-know-how-to-describe-it-except-incredibly-yummy shop. I like this idea of governing way better than the ‘catch me if you can, but you probably won’t be able to so instead talk to my intern-slash-page’ approach to power-to-the-people government that exists in my current residential state of Massachusetts.

I would prefer a good, strong, hot coffee with my state senator here, over listening to muzak while waiting on hold at home.

Also, if I’m ever really depressed after yakking with my local representative when I move to Maine, there will always be a good lobster roll somewhere nearby and that will make me feel better.


So last week – from the Regis-ah –  I learned where I could hang out with my local senator  (if I lived here).  I also learned that Ellis Marsalis – ya, that one, the patriarch of the Marsalis Jazz empi-yah – was in town piano-ing at the Opera House.  And I learned that Steve and Barbara Basemen of Southport hosted first time visitors to the island.

What? Your local paper doesn’t tell you things like this?

Well, check it out, via the Southport Column:

“Welcome to Veronica and Tony Valle from Sarasota, Florida, as they enjoy their first trip to the region as guests of Steve and Barbara Basemen. In the Basemen cottage on All Saints Road, Veronica will celebrate a special birthday. Happy birthday, Veronica.”

Cool right?

Oh, you need more?

Okay here is the second paragraph from last week:

“In other birthday news Maddie Rideout, daughter of Pam Baldwin and Skip Rideout, celebrated her 30th birthday with family and friends over a 10-day stretch. Sister Phoebe drove up from Cape Cod for a long weekend with her children, Addie and Christopher, to help celebrate some family meals, and the party culminated with happy hour on the deck at Kaler’s restaurant, followed by a sunset cruise on the Balmy Days, on a particularly gorgeous night. Happy birthday from all of us, Maddie.”

I so want to be Pam Baldwin’s and Skip Rideout’s daughter so I can have a ten-day birthday party.

And don’t you dare think I am poking fun because I am absolutely not.

I read the Southport Column, and others read theirs – Ocean Point, Isle of Springs, Edgecomb, and Juniper-McKown Point, and Trevett, and on and on – with the same excitement as I read mine every week.

In addition the Basemen’s and Rideout visitor statuses, last week I also learned that if I want a clock repaired I should contact Gene Hauser (phone number listed), and also that pirates – ya PIRATES – had invaded a Southport home.

Don’t believe me?

“Pirates invaded the McWhan homes last Saturday afternoon. Smashing booty from a piñata ship, fishing for crabs, devouring ice cream with many toppings, then running off all that sugar in a game of capture the flag. If you were driving Pratts Island Road Saturday afternoon, perhaps you saw some of the flying children.”


Is this the place for me or what?!

I love the idea of a local paper, complete with delicious local flavor, that everyone still gobbles up and reads. The Regist-ah is also on Facebook and Twitter and puts up videos on YouTube!

And – and I’m not saying they cemented me as a lifetime subscriber or anything by the particular act I am about to share with you, but I’m not saying they didn’t.

Last week, I sent/posted a picture on their Facebook page. It didn’t show up on their main feed, but went to the ‘sent in by readers’ section. I just wanted to share something I’d seen and thought a couple of people might get a kick out of it.

Well, imagine my surprise when I got a text from my friend, Anna, all excited for me (she had picked up her Regist-ah before I got to the sto-ah that mornin’).

So I jumped in my own car and headed down to the General Store and picked up my Regist-ah and oh-my-Gawd-look!


Ya… way down there… below the fold…

Let me zoom in for you…

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Front Page!

The Regist-ah even messaged me to see if I saw it! (How cool is that?!)

I know, I know.

I’m now a published wildlife photojournalist.

My kids said that makes me ‘Legit’ (luh-jit).

I just can’t wait to go home with my FIVE papers (ya, I bought 5) and show everyone that I made the Regist-ah!

Because, before now, I was aiming for Household Treasure, and I thought one day I might become a Local Treasure (you know, if I paid the right people off) but the Regist-ah is a regional Newspaper and that means…


I. Am. A. Regional. Treasure.

Totally bypassed ‘local’.

I mean, sure, I may have to go on tour and signings and stuff, and I’m still awaiting the call from my new assistant to arrange all of this.

I’m just so excited.

I may be coming to a coffee shop or lobster shack near you, any day now!

You know, if you are within a ten to twelve-mile radius.

Thanks for readin’.

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