… on a message from your sponsor test

Dear kids,

I see you.

Yes you.

Growing up.

I see you in your ‘in betweens’ – between high school and college, between college and ‘not’, between ‘first step out of college’ and ‘next step beyond that’.

I want to remind you of something I’ve mentioned once or twice as you were growing up.

Did you just roll your eyes? Don’t make me fire you.

Try to remind yourself to be present for it all.

You are at points in your life where it is so natural, so reasonable and totally okay, to look toward the ‘what’s nexts’.

What’s next after high school, or what’s next after college or after the first years of your job or steps in your career (or toward a different career).

The thing is, beyond the planning and stuff, the ‘what’s nexts’ are sort of an illusion.

As if you leave behind one life, and move onto a whole new one.

But that’s not the way it works.

It’s all life.

All of it.

Like chapters in a book, one sets the stage for the next… and then the ones after that.

Don’t skip, or skim, any of your chapters.

Some will be easy and breezy, some confusing, some laugh-out-loud funny and some so tragic they may level you.

But there is gold to pan from each one.

In the next few years there will be a lot of words, or self-imposed pressure, or questions from well-meaning adult-ier adults about getting established – as if there is a final goal or destination for your life (and, once you get there, you can breathe).

There isn’t.

And even though the idea that there is no ‘final destination’ in life might seem daunting now…

It’s not.

It’s freeing.

Because if there is no destination, then life can only be about the journey.

Which means you get to breathe it in, all along the way.

And, on this journey, you will find your stories.

And when you share them, over and over again, some will become epic… even legendary.

The secret though … the bonus?

It’s in noticing how great the stories are as they are unfolding. Being with them in their present moments, and then being able to relive them later.

So, though many others will focus on your job titles (and I will celebrate those promotions with you too, because they will be rewards for your hard work), I want you to add a series of other desired titles to your personal resume.  Ones that you add as they are happening. Ones to celebrate in an ongoing way.

Titles like ‘Friend‘.








But also…

Mom or Dad or Manager of (perhaps Servant to…) Cats or Dogs or Horses or Chickens or Ducks (or…)

Reader of Books or Player of Video Games on Weekends.

Listener to Friends in Need of Ears.

Lover of Hiking (or Human Smitten with Long Walks).

Constant Re-Arranger of Furniture.

Great Hugger.

Excellent Supporter of Your Local Sports Team.

Dudette Who Makes Rubbery Pancakes (or Dude Who Makes Great Waffles).

Person Who Screws Up Camera Settings All the Dang Time.



Anonymous Human Who Built a Fairy Garden Where Children Often Play.

Practicer Who Didn’t Procrastinate This Week.

Procrastinator Who Didn’t Practice This Week.

Santa Claus.

Those are good titles – real titles that matter – and also need some celebrating.

Some descriptive, some meaningful, some downright silly… but all human.

You can add your own, of course. 

There is no ‘final arrival’ in life. No such thing as ‘established’.

There will be living to be done, and growth that happens… love and patience and understanding to give, and to receive, right up to the moment we leave this world.

And, as you know, I believe love survives even then.

And I plan on haunting you,

with mine,

for, like…




Thanks for readin’.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs always, come on over to Just Ponderin’s Facebook page to comment ♥


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