… more on that magic continuing

“To all those who come to this happy place: Welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here, age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.”

That was Walt Disney’s dedication upon opening the gates to Disneyland on July 17, 1955.

Walt didn’t live to see the completion of Disney World. That official dedication was performed on October 25, 1971 by his brother Roy Disney. But I think, had Walt lived long enough, his Disney World dedication would have been pretty similar to that of Disneyland.

The concept of those of us who have been around for a while plugging into delightful memories and emotions of the past while children in the same space and time are creating and embracing that which will become some of their own memories…

Pretty connecting.

Kind of an awesome mesh of goal and dream (nod to Walt).

And, you know, when we surprised the kids with a family trip to Disney World last Christmas, it was that goal-and-dream mash up that we had in mind.

I first came to Disney World, courtesy of my grandparents (Nana and Papa).

My grandfather had recently retired and he brought my mother, my Aunt Phyllis, and us five cousins on a vacation to Florida as a present. It was 1972, I think, which would have found the park less than a year old. I believe we were there for two or three nights.

It was not a phenomenal trip.

No I am not kidding.

Firstly, my cousin Chris lost a tooth so she got a ton of attention (and a visit from the Tooth Fairy). Chris was always doing things like that… just quietly being awesome.


And also, my mother was a bit overwhelmed with the fact that my Aunt Phyllis, her sister, was totally into taking complete advantage of all the things.

So we didn’t do all of the things.

Now, that said, there must have been something pretty good about the trip, because I did end up wanting to go back as an adult.

Or it could have been my oppositional reflex kicking in, making me determined to prove my memories of that first visit wrong.

This may be a better theory. 

Our first trip included the entire household at the time – Mac, Sam, me, JoHn, Granny and Grampa. The memories are fantastic, and include Grampa ‘volunteering’ to use a wheelchair when necessary because it would ‘help’ us get through the lines faster. Sure, the truth was that an old motorcycle injury rendered his knee a ‘nope’ for all the walking Disney World requires, but the fact that he would be helping the kids out was a big part of him saying yes to coming at all.

The Old Yankee Man was all about the need to be useful.

They are also notoriously homebodies and, after that visit, Grampa was happy staying back to oversee the house and dogs and cats (and whatever other critters were part of our everydays back then). That didn’t stop Granny though, she came on nearly every trip that followed.

We would get connecting rooms, and she and Mac would be ‘roomies’ (Granny loved telling her friends that fact). In Mac’s ‘later years’ (think early teens), they would giggle and narrate through shows like ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ before turning out the lights. Also, it never got old that their favorite character was Tigger, and they both turned into little fangirls when he showed up at our favorite character breakfast.

The boys… four years apart but boys.

Sam once became part of the afternoon parade at the Magic Kingdom, when he drew his sword as Captain Hook walked by. Hook also drew his sword. My kid didn’t back down for a second.

It was awesome.

Gabe was in constant search for Stitch, that little rascal (come to think of it, both Gabe and Stitch were little rascals).

One year we came with our best friends, whose three kids happen to be the same ages as ours. It was in October, and we bought special tickets to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party, which took place in the Magic Kingdom.

Sam was Aragorn from Lord of the Rings.

Mac was Legolas, complete with pointy elf ears.

Gabe, who refused to participate regardless of the pleading from his siblings, was a frog.

Our memories are like that.

Sure, we remember the rides and characters (and have our favorites).

But we mostly remember the feelings, the stories… the silliness, the laughter… the Together.

Even the crazy, stressful moments (Gabe screaming for the entire three hour flight back to Boston one year, and – up on landing – announcing to the entire plane that ‘he felt better now’ comes to mind) have all become stories evoking a smile or laugh or tear (or all three).

And now?

It’s been ten years since we’ve walked through the gates at Disney World.

Last Christmas’ surprise trip had everyone – including Mac, Half Kid Jack, Number One Son Sam, Number One Daughter-in-Law Avery, and Self-Proclaimed Perfect Boy Gabe (and JoHn of course) – all in. And this trip would include our newest family member – little Annie.

We chose October because she would be a year old… and a little more aware of, you know, life.

Sure, she might get tired quickly… maybe be terrified of the characters… possibly overstimulated… but we’d deal with whatever came our way.

We got on the plane with fingers crossed.

And it’s been amazing.

We’re doing all the things we want to do and more, and the ‘kids’ (the big ones) have even gotten to spend time together on a few nights after Annie’s gone to bed (this time we are Nana and Papa in the adjoining room to make that easier).

Annie is hanging with her ‘fam’, and has reconnected with her Auntie and Uncles who live far away (turns out they’re awfully silly, much to her delight). She’s sampled new foods (Mickey waffles are a big hit) and played in a big pool for the first time and, can you even believe it, big giant stuffies (stuffed animals) show up at random times and she can hug them!

So here we go again, this time with a brand new generation in tow, connecting over memories long held as we make brand new ones that we’ll carry forward.

We’re already getting hints about ‘the next time’…

And that doesn’t bother me at all.

Thanks for readin’.

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