… on nothin’ but thank you
February 19, 2014
For coming on over.
For visiting so often.
From so many places around our ever-spinnin’ planet.
For following the blog, for commenting, for telling your friends, for sharing random posts, for copying the photos here onto Pinterest.
For helping me realize my dream.
Passing out smiles and the occasional out-loud laugh makes my heart sing (and smile and, periodically, chortle). And if something I write touches your heart more deeply, well, that’s a bonus.
This past week was a big one in Dingleville.
I hit the ‘publish’ button on my 100th post, and passed 25,000 views (today began with over 26,000).
I’m blown away.
So, thank you.
So much.
From the bottom of Zombie Pig’s never-beating heart.
Thanks for readin’.
Also, just so you know, WordPress actually sends me the google search terms people enter that bring them to my blog. So I would like to give a special shout out to the two individuals who googled, “straight outta the gutter porn” and “virgin dog story” respectively, and ended up here. I hope I didn’t disappoint you.
Nope, not kidding.
Not at all.
– Lisa
As always, you can come on over to Just Ponderin’s facebook page to comment or just hang out.