… on a late mid coast afternoon in black and white


Yesterday I headed out with my camera at about five in the afternoon and snapped and clicked lazily while the breeze blew off the water and the boats drifted by. When I got back inside and took a look at the photos, it occurred to me that so many beautiful summer colors were represented.

Beach roses blooming in vivid pink and peonies in creamy white.

The grays and tans and browns of the rocky shore, accompanied by towering pines and muted green-brown seaweed.

And on a whim, I converted a peony to black and white, and saw a whole new image.

A more mysterious afternoon with contrasts unnoticed in the color versions.

But nonetheless…


Thanks for readin’.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs always, you can come on over to Just Ponderin’s Facebook page to comment or just hang out.