… on a job well done
October 15, 2016
Blaze is not a silly dog for just anyone.
She is not a Lab or a Golden Retriever in a ShepHerd’s body. After all, she is royalty, and has a reputation to keep up.
She is mostly business, making sure she knows the people and items in her household are content, safe, and in their proper places. She will do her ’rounds’ frequently… giving the eye to the vacuum cleaner if it dares to be out of the closet but not doing its job… checking on which humans are home, and which are not, and then visiting doors and windows as a way of bringing us all back to the safety of her.
As she does this – makes her rounds, does her checking – she doesn’t whine, or pace, or exhibit any other signs of separation anxiety. She is just doing her job, and she seems to take satisfaction in doing it well.
And she is patient.
So very patient.
Late last night, a certain Boy came to the door.
He quietly walked in, placing his big bag on the floor and called to his Girl.
She flew to him, with howls and yowls and whoops and wiggles… again, she is not silly for just anyone.
And, after all the excitement of the homecoming, they didn’t just go their own way… Gabe grabbing a plate for a late dinner, or Blaze to one of her posts.
They just lay together on the dining room floor, holding on.
His Girl.
Her Boy.
Her mission accomplished, a job well done.
Good girl, Blaze.
Thanks for readin’.

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