… on being present in this morning, this place


The Sun Rose (no it really did!)

There are several quotes that I have elevated to ‘words to live by’ status over the years. One has been boiled down to three words that all three and a half kids know very well (mostly because they would come in and plop down and tell me a story of middle school nastiness or unfair treatment and they’d get the three words (and then the whole eye-rolling mom explanation that went with them) every. dang. time.)

“Be the change.”

It is, of course, a part of a quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi (though I don’t think he ever actually said the exact words), “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

So much in so few words.

I just love it.

This morning, though, as the sun rose and lit the thread-y, late-fall foliage of one of my favorite little trees, a different one of my faves came to mind… knowing no matter how the election turned out, about half the country was going to be nervous, or afraid, or angry.

‘Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.’

It reminds me to be present.

To breathe.

To stay open… or to open myself up.

To have a little faith, and hope.

And so, today….

I will.

Thanks for readin’.


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