… on a daughter’s response to a heartfelt graduation letter


Little turned bowl; June Mackenzie Dingle; 2013, Centre College, Danville, Kentucky

So, in the grand Just Ponderin’ tradition of totally dependable follow-through…

Okay, totally sometimes-it-happens follow through…

I got Mac’s reaction to the heartfelt letter I wrote to her yesterday.

Remember? When I poured my heart and soul into a letter to my dear, loved daughter as she graduated college?

Here is our text exchange. She is the gray bubbles, I am green.


Mac’s response to the heartfelt letter I wrote her.

I know. I know.

And if I could draw, I would draw two things right now and post them here.

An apple falling…

right next to a tree.

Thanks for readin’.

Oh! P.S., I leave super early for my marathon drive from Dunstable, MA to Danville, Kentucky (the boys will meet me there (they are flying… wHimps!)) late tomorrow night. I’m bringing my camera and computer so will blog from the road. Who knows what I’ll find to tell you about along the way!

Oh! P.P.S., if you are a burglar (or have burglar-y tendencies), you are out of luck because not only is the Old Yankee Man on duty in Dunstable, but dog-sitter extraordinaire Nik Jablonski is on the job.

Also, there is Blaze.

She’s got this.

Thanks again for readin’ and I’ll talk to you from the road :)).

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