… on jungle cats… er…dogs
July 19, 2014
I know.
And I can now tell you…. move-y.
This thing moves all the time. Not only do you need to find this creature, but then you have an extremely hard time photographing it without motion blur.
So I headed out this morning with my trusty camera, hoping to lure the beast out in the open. I was channeling a combination of my inner Marlin Perkins, Sidekick Jim, and Steve Irwin.
Marlin because he is… well…. Marlin.
Jim for his ability to wrestle any animal, at any time, while Marlin is busy drinking “water” from his canteen in the Range Rover.
And Steve for his enthusiasm, and also for his accent.
For the voice-over in my head.
So, as any wicked professional wildlife photographer would, I knew I had to be patient – that patience was the key to the perfect wildlife shots that would certainly have Discovery Channel calling me by morning to shoot the next Shark Week.
Sure, I know Shark Week is shot with film and video… but, really, once Discovery Channel recognizes the clear talent behind things like my composition and framing… and also the emotion of my work… they will probably train me whilst paying me the big bucks.
Due to the aforementioned technical prowess (and, ya, according to my Google search, ‘prowess’ can refer to my expertise or my bravery in battle…. and getting the right shot, under mysterious and dangerous conditions?)
Yep, you got it.
Like a battle.
Also, just so you know, it looks like the mentions of ‘prowess’ as a word have really dropped since the year 1800, which I assume is the year Google was created.
So anyway where was I?
Ah, yes.
So I exhibited patience, and heard Steve Irwin’s enthusiastic Australian accent in my brain…
Heah we ah. In the JUNGLE! We’ve been out heah for the entiyah mornin’. Just waitin’ for the most AMAZIN creature to walk the PLANET!
Let’s see if we can move over heah a bit and…
Crikey! I can’t baleeve it! There’s TWO of EM!

Oh, just LOOK at ’em.
They’ah B-YOU-Ti-FOOL!
Oh, wow, just look at the way this one blends into its natural surroundings…

That looks like the male of the species.
Let’s see if we can get a clos-ah look, shall we?
Ohhhhhhh…. just look at ‘im.
Shy. But so POWERFUL!
Notice how adept e iz at CAMOUFLAGE…
Can you even see ‘im?

It looks like e’s already been tagged by the local wildlife cons-ah-vation group.
Notice ‘iz serious nay-cha. Alwayz a serious creat-cha, the Dunstable Why-ald Dog. He’s also known as the Nawth American DINGO!
Lookit ‘im bein’ so SERIOUS!

And sometimes…

Not so serious.
And with a bit of a question.
Thanks for readin’.
As always, you can come on over to Just Ponderin’s Facebook page to comment or just hang out.