… on a letter to my kid as he graduates college
May 22, 2016
Hey kid,
I know you’re out there, in that sea of caps and gowns.
Listening to people tell you how honored you should feel to have reached this point in your life… this moment… this achievement.
You and I have talked about this.
It doesn’t feel real.
Doesn’t feel like a major thing.
Not like the end of something massive.
Or the beginning of something massive.
I know.
I get that.
That odd expectation that, at one point, you will feel like a ‘real adult’, ready for the world…
Totally prepared.
Okay, secret time.
There is no one moment when that happens.
Like the Skin Horse explains in The Velveteen Rabbit…
You just sort of become.
Over time.
And that becoming?
It never ends.
Which, on the one hand, is sort of daunting (and, yes, totally wHeird).
But on the other hand?
It’s amazing.
The ability to do things and try things and evolve and change and experience and give to the world and accept what it offers…
To be in this world.
And to become… in this world.
It is a gift.
Complete with opportunities and challenges and, sure, the occasional bogey man jumping out from behind unexpected obstacles.
But there is also the tear-inspiring awe that you will find in big and little happenings (and big and little humans) that show up along your path.
And I am telling you…
You’re ready.
Oh, and another thing…
Though I am no longer holding your hand and navigating for you…
I am holding you in my heart, and with you.
Forever your biggest fan.
So, what do you say?
Remember one of our faves?
That very last Calvin and Hobbes comic strip? The one that made me cry (and the one you laughed at me for crying over.)
It has snowed.
Hobbes says the world looks brand new.
Like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on.
Calvin talks of new possibilities.
And then, that awesome last line.
“It’s a magical world ol’ buddy…
Let’s go exploring!”
Hey kid….
Go explorin’.
Thanks for readin’.
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