… on promises
May 18, 2015

Will I think of you often?
I will
I will
Will I think of you often, I will.
With each beat of my heart
And each intake of breath
With each in between
When I am still.
Will I wonder where you are?
I will
I will
Will I wonder where you are, I will.
With each jelly donut,
Cold coffee, newspaper
Bendy straw, duct tape
Power drill
Will I smile through tears?
I will
I will
Will I smile through tears, I will.
When I think of you bathed
In the bay window light
In your chair where you
Held court, until…
Will I honor you always?
I will
I will
Will I honor you always, I will.
I’ll remember your dreams
And your wishes, and words,
And watch over your true love
I will.
Thanks for readin’

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